
Thanks for stopping by my little blog. Its purpose isn't so much to show off my work, it is more of a way for me to catalog the things I've created. I hope you enjoy peeking at my projects while you are here!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Happy Birthday, Matey!

Hello there!  I have a super cute card for you today.  My son's friend had a pirate birthday party last weekend and I couldn't resist making a fun shaped card to go with his gift.  It turned out so cute!

This has got to be one of my favorite shaped cards!  The pirate ship is from the Be My Matey cut its set from Lettering Delights.  They have the cutest svgs!  I used MTC to create the layers for the card base. Because of the flag at the top, I had to take the sail and the boat shapes and expand their shadow layers until they overlapped.  I welded them together, created a copy of it, and flipped it upside down.  Once I connected the two laters at the very top it created the shape of the card base.

The papers are from my stash and I used my white gel pen to add a few details. The stamps are from Emma over at My Creative Time.  I used her All Around Birthday Time  stamp set.

The inside of the card has a little ship shape to create a nice writing surface.  The sentiment is from Joy's Life's You're So Punny stamp set.  It was perfect for this card!

I had so much fun making it!  The Birthday Boy loved it and so did his mommy.  :)  I hope you like it too!

Thanks for stopping by!

:)  Cynthia

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Little Birthday Tag

Hi there!  Short post today.  I'm hoping to get a few things created this week since it is spring break.  Today is something I did a while ago, but it took me a while to get it posted.  My son's friend, Andrew, had a birthday a few weeks ago.  I wanted to make him a little tag and his invitation had a rocketship very similar to this one on it.  It was perfect!  

I used the Doug's Outer Space set from Lettering Delights.  I thought it turned out great!

Here is a shot of the back.  I used a variety of stamps and at this moment, I can't remember exactly what sets they were.  I'm pretty sure they are all from Emma at My Creative Time though!  Except for the To: and From:, those are from Joy's Life.  If you haven't checked out Emma's stuff, go over and see it!  She has great stamps and dies!

Thanks for stopping in!

:)  Cynthia